The 10 Best Tall Plants For Balconies
Decorating your balcony with plants can be daunting if you are unsure which plants to go for. There are creepers, flowers, dwarf trees, and even shrubs. Depending on where your balcony is located, several tall balcony plants can really make an incredible difference on your balcony.
Some of the best tall plants for balconies are Rubber plants, Areca Palm plants, Bird of Paradise plants, Clumping Bamboo plants, and Swiss Cheese plants. Each of these can thrive and grow on balconies and provide a privacy screen while making your balcony look like an outdoor nature haven.
Tall plants can turn your balcony into an outdoor paradise. If you have always been fascinated with nature and like being surrounded by lush, green foliage, here are ten of the best tall plants that you should consider having on your balcony.
Rubber Plant
Rubber plants are one of the most well-known Vastu plants. They are a large tropical plant that is both a houseplant and an outdoor plant that thrives well on balconies. This plant’s rich purple and green leaves have a vibrant waxy surface, giving it a stunning glossy finish.
It is easy to care for and grows quickly, nearly doubling in size within a year. It also filters and eliminates pollutants, so you know the air coming in from the balcony is free of any pollutants. It is also preferable since it is a low-maintenance plant, so you don’t have to worry about doing too much work.
Rubber plants should be grown in well-drained soil. You should cultivate your rubber plant in a location that receives plenty of bright light but not direct sunshine. Hence, a balcony with some kind of coverage is perfect.
The season dictates how much water the rubber plant requires. The plant should be kept constantly moist during the growing season, which is summer. This includes cleaning the leaves with a wet cloth or spraying them with water. Your plant may only require water once or twice a month during the dormant season.
In the summer, fertilize your Rubber plant with any organic fertilizer. Remove any dead or diseased plant parts from the plant. For better growth, repot your rubber plant every 2–3 years.
Areca Palm Plant
When grown in containers, the Areca palm is one of the tallest plants and can be rather spectacular. Although these are common houseplants, they tend to be beasts when grown on balconies. As they often get too tall for living room ceilings, placing them on balconies makes high-rise apartments feel more like home.
This plant appreciates bright, filtered sunshine outside, but it can also endure the full sun. They should ideally be shielded from the hot afternoon sun, as direct sunlight can scorch the leaves. A well-draining, peat-based planting mix is ideal for these potted balcony plants.
Organic matter should be plentiful in the soil. Areca palms, like many other palms, prefer moist soil. Still, they are vulnerable to overwatering and cannot handle being waterlogged or languishing in a water-saturated potting mix.
So, between waterings, let the soil or potting mixture dry slightly. Because areca palms are sensitive to fluoridated water, use distilled water or rainfall to water them. Repotting every other year is recommended to renew the potting mix and eliminate fertilizer salt deposits accumulated in the container.
Bird Of Paradise Plant
The Bird of Paradise comes in two types, the Strelitzia Reginae and Nicolai. They are evergreen tropical herbaceous plants that flower either orange or white blooms. Suppose you’re going for a tall plant. In that case, you’ll want to get the Strelitzia Nicolai.
It is perfect for balconies as long as you give it space to grow as they can grow to be quite tall at around 6 feet and even higher. These plants are excellent balcony plants, mainly if your balcony receives a lot of sunlight throughout the day.
They prefer bright direct, or indirect sunlight, and you’ll notice how beautifully they grow. They will have large green leaves that have splits to reduce drag in the wind and eliminate the chances of snapping in strong winds.
This means they can withstand harsh environmental elements out on your balcony. You’ll need to water them every one to two weeks and ensure that you allow the soil to dry out in between waterings. These regal plants will make a stunning addition to your balcony.
If you are looking for a more robust balcony screening option we have a full article on Balcony privacy screens on the site here and on the link below and also some plants for decks if you need.
Clumping Bamboo Plant
Although many people steer clear of bamboo plants as they can quickly invade and take over the other plants on your balcony, this plant is actually an excellent balcony plant when you choose the correct kind of bamboo.
The clumping bamboo plant’s tall and narrow stature is a perfect privacy screening along your balcony to block out nosey neighbors and also act as a windbreak as it can be placed in small and narrow balconies. Not only are bamboo plants visual barriers, but they are also visual interests.
Clumping bamboo plants are a great choice for your balcony as they will quickly get pretty tall. New shoots can grow as much as a meter a day. Interestingly, you can pick a bamboo to match your height needs, and it’ll reach that height fairly quickly and stick to it.
Although this type of bamboo does not run, ensure that the pot you place them in is strong, sturdy, and big enough for them to thrive. Ensure that you also use good quality free-draining soil.
These plants are relatively tolerant of dry soil but prefer reliable moisture, particularly new shoots. If you want lush leaf growth, add nitrogen or a biofertilizer. Bamboo plants require a bit of sunlight to do well on your balcony.
Swiss Cheese Plant
Monstera deliciosa is another name for a Swiss Cheese Plant. It is a blooming plant native to the tropical rainforests of Southern Mexico. Still, it adapts and flourishes in even the most untropical environments.
This plant thrives in organically rich, moist but well-drained soil. It also prefers high humidity, so it would do well when placed with other plants on the balcony. Grow the plant away from direct sunshine. Therefore, ensure that you have some kind of netting on your balcony.
Mist your plant more frequently or place a humidifier near it for optimum growth. This plant is susceptible to waterlogging. To avoid root rot, avoid overwatering the plant. Wait until the top layer of soil is dry before watering.
Fertilize and water regularly throughout the spring and summer. Reduce the quantity of watering in the winter. This plant can be effortlessly propagated by root cuttings. Let the plant climb by making climbing support for it, and you’ll thank yourself later.
Monstera Deliciosa will be alright outside if you properly acclimate them. Ensure that you plant it in a pot with big holes and a peat-based potting mix for optimal drainage. Move them indoors at the first sign of cooler weather and keep an eye out for pests.
Impatiens do best in partial sun. This perennial flower can grow six to thirty six inches tall. (the new varieties) meaning its more of a medium tall plant, but its flowers and leaves certainly provide cover and shade.
They flower throughout the year, but they bloom best in spring and summer. To maintain their beauty, keep them moist and fertile. Water them daily for best results. Alternatively, cut them back in the spring and divide them in early summer. Impatiens is an excellent choice for balconies.
When planting an impatiens plant, it is advisable to choose a container with drainage holes. Ensure that the soil is moist but drains well. It will also need frequent but not over watering to avoid rot and fungal diseases.
It is better to keep the soil slightly damp than bone dry. Keeping the soil moist will help your impatiens bloom. However, impatiens will flourish best if it receives ample water at regular intervals.
The plant is easy to maintain and grows well in shady areas. It requires two hours of sunlight per day for its flower clusters to open. It needs well-drained soil. It blooms throughout the spring and summer.
The foliage and flowers of impatiens are attractive in any location. If you are limited on space, you can choose a tall plant for a balcony and keep it moist at all times.
Weeping fig
The weeping fig has a beautiful, thick, green leaf type. It is often grown as a miniature tree. Depending on the cultivar, weeping figs can grow as small as three feet tall. Weeping figs can also have variegated, purple, or red leaves. If you want your fig to retain its shape, prune it regularly.
Weeping figs are easy to grow indoors and outdoors because they don’t need too much care. While they prefer partial to full sunlight, they do not mind up to two hours of direct sunlight each day. When you choose a potting mix for your fig, be sure to use a soil-based one with plenty of perlite, sand, or vermiculite.
A weeping fig loves high humidity. It suffers when the humidity drops. You can mist it periodically to keep the leaves from becoming dry. If you want to fertilize your weeping fig, use a balanced liquid fertilizer.
This fertilizer can be used once or twice a year. Be sure to follow the instructions on the label! A fig tree can grow to 60 ft outside, but as these are fairly commonly used as Bonsai trees it is possible to keep them smaller. If you have the size of balcony they will look great as a 4-6 ft tree in a corner.
While some tall plants do not grow well on balconies, hydrangeas are among the best choices. Hydrangeas grow best in partial sun. In hot summers, they will dry out quickly. For best results, water hydrangeas regularly.
Pour water around the base of the plant until water runs out of the bottom. Water hydrangeas more frequently as they mature. Hand watering is a great way to closely observe your plants.
These beautiful flowers are very attractive to behold and attract many different types of pollinators. In addition to the beautiful flowers, hydrangeas are easy to grow and are suitable for both balconies and small gardens. They can from to 3-6 feet tall, but are quite bulky at their taller sizes.
The most important thing to keep in mind when planting hydrangeas in containers is to make sure that there is proper drainage for the plant’s roots. Without proper drainage, the roots will rot.
In addition, you should add compost to the soil for additional nutrients. Hydrangeas grow best in soil that has good drainage. Make sure that the soil has drainage holes at the bottom and provides plenty of space for the roots to grow.
Vinca vine
The vinca vine is an excellent choice for balconies. It requires little care and looks great overhanging the balcony. The leaves are heart-shaped and the foliage is soft and broad.
This plant can get overgrown if left unchecked, so make sure you have good drainage and add some rocks to the bottom of the container to help with drainage. It grows well in any soil type, but prefers moist soil with a high content of compost.
it is a ground vine so would need to be tied to railings or a trellis if you want it to provide cover through your railings. Or it could be used in a hanging basket to grow out and down.
This tropical vine blooms from May to July. It can grow in both partial and full shade. Its five-petaled flowers have yellow centers and are ideal for cool coastal climates. It prefers moist and shaded locations.
It is also drought-tolerant. Aside from its tropical appearance, the plant can be grown in pots and hanging baskets. It is easy to grow, requires very little water, and can tolerate partial shade perfect for balconies.
This scented climber is a popular choice for small balconies, especially in cold climates. Honeysuckle, or Lonicera, is available in many cultivars and is extremely decorative. In addition to its beautiful blooms, the plant has aromatic berries.
Although it can grow up to 30 feet tall as a vine, it can grow 10 ft tall as a shrub, it can be managed to be smaller than that and if on a balcony will need to be. They can be quite wide plants, if you have a narrow balcony this may need planning for.
Honeysuckle can be poisonous, well the berries can be in quantities, so while low risk its something to be aware of .
When choosing honeysuckles for your balcony, choose the variety that is native to your region. Late Dutch honeysuckle has red-purple flowers with cream centers. The blooms last from late summer into the fall and are followed by bright red berries.
Do Tall Plants Need More Space?
When selecting the right plant for your balcony, be sure to consider its height. Tall plants can make a balcony look larger and more inviting, but they also require more space. In addition to avoiding crowding, you should avoid growing annuals alone.
Instead, grow a variety of flowers in separate pots, using different sizes and colors. Try to stick to three different colors, rather than mixing and matching. If you’re unsure about your plant’s height, you can always choose a different variety to mix and match.
We have loads of information and articles on plants for outdoor spaces, while a search will help checking out the articles linked below is also a good way to start.
- Best potted plants for a shaded porch
- best succulents for balconies
- low maintenance plants for balconies
- 10 tall plants for balconies
- low maintenance plants for decks
- how to keep porch plants alive in winter
Tall plants add life to just about any balcony. You simply need to consider the plants’ environmental conditions and what your balcony offers before deciding which plants to install on your balcony.
Try to but tall thin plants on narrow balconies, and if you have a little more space you can go with bluckier wider plants like honeysuckle.